Question 1 :
A murderer is condemned to death .
He has to choose between three rooms .
The first is full of raging fires
The second is full of assassins with loaded guns
The third is full of lions that haven’t eaten in 3 years
Which room is safest for him ?
Answer 1Question 2 :
A woman shoots her husband . Then she holds
him under water for over 5 minutes .
Finally , she hangs him .
But 5 minutes later they both go out together
and enjoy a wonderful dinner together .
How can this be ?
Answer 2
Question 3 :
There are two plastic jugs filled with water .
How could you put all of this water
into a barrel , without using the jugs
or any dividers ,
and still tell which water
came from which jugs ?
Answer 3
Question 4 :
What is black when you buy it ,
red when you use it ,
and gray when you throw it away ?
Answer 4
Question 5 :
Can you name three consecutive days
without using the words Monday ,
Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday ,
Friday , Saturday ,
or Sunday ?
Answer 5
Question 6 :
This is an unusual paragraph . I’m curious how
quickly you can find out what is so unusual about
it ? It looks so plain you would think nothing
was wrong with it ! In fact , nothing is wrong
with it ! It is unusual though . Study it , and think
about it , but you still may not find anything odd .
But if you work at it a bit , you might find out !
Try to do so without any coaching !
Answer 6
Answer 1
The third . Lions that haven’t eaten in 3 years are dead .
Answer 2
The woman was a photographer . She shot a picture of her husband , developed it , and hung it up to dry .
Answer 3
Freeze them first . Take them out of the jugs and put the ice in the barrel . You will be able to tell which water came from which jug .
Answer 4
The answer is charcoal .
Answer 5
Sure you can : yesterday , today and tomorrow !
Answer 6
The letter “ e” , which is the most common letter in the English language , does not appear once in the long paragraph .